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Self-Mastery Inner Circle

5 Week

Self-Mastery Courses

✨A vested group committed to elevating our performance in life and honoring our Highest Self

✨A small and intimate support group open to receiving and sharing with one another.

✨A safe space to be vulnerable, transparent, raw and real 

✨A shared space to implement and apply distinctions specifically created to heal you, empower you and honor you. '


Healing Tribe


Setting Foundation

Our weekly Power Call Coaching Sessions are done live on our Private Community Page. During this call we go over the distinctions we will be applying in our life that week. These calls set the foundation for the week for they provide context to live inside of where you create the content.  Group calls are done weekly to create context, distinguish the weekly distinction, and challenge for the week as well as instruction for the use of the workbook. . 


Building the Environment

Having a strong support system and positive environment where it is safe to be curious is essential to speeding up the process of self-mastery and most importantly healing. You will have access to a private forum only for participants where there you can ask for support, share your breakthroughs, and encourage others on their growth journey to ensure success all around and a community that wins in life.


Structured Format

The workbook was designed to assist you in following along with your progress as well as the activities and challenges created for you to follow weekly. The use of the workbook helps you keep all your assignments in one location and a great resource to go back and take a look at what you became present too while acknowledging your progress


Your participation in the group is what will make or break your experience in this Inner Circle. The more you put yourself out there by sharing authentically is what will give you access to unlocking the very thing that will propel you to the next level. â€‹On our journey to achieving our highest self, there is a mixture of emotions we must go through to bring awareness to the hidden underlying factors that mold and limit our lives. â€‹ This Inner Circle has been created for you to have a safe platform to share yourself and have the support of other fellow souls on the same journey in reaching their highest potential and honoring their highest self, NOW. â€‹ Adjusting and auto-correcting habits that no longer serve us while implementing new ones that elevate our experience of life.


What can you create in a SAFE space for 5 weeks of Honoring your Highest Self?

Program Schedule


5 Week Intervals

April 22 - May 26

June 3 - July 7th

July 29 - September 1

September 9 - October 13

October 21 - November 24

December 2 - January 5


Heal in a Safe Space


$497 /Month

✨ 5 Week Program
✨ Weekly Group Coaching Call: 

                  Monday 6:30 pm Pacific

                  The call goes for 1 hour
✨ Weekly Challenge

✨ Weekly Distinction

✨ Weekly Hot Seat
✨ Private Group Forum

               to interact and share our personal videos,

               challenges, and breakthroughs.
✨ Community Support
✨ Community Accountability

✨ 5 Week Workbook

✨ Max 10 people per Inner Circle

Upcoming Inner Circle Flyer


Common Thought

My Identity may not be ready for this

Of course it is. It's the simplest course. It's setting the foundation. Your identity may not be ready for some of my more advanced programs. That is exactly why I have created the programs in the order they are in. I have designed each program to build off of each other. The 30-day challenge is really a reality check. The program is designed to produce a mirror effect where you call yourself out. It's quite empowering I'd say to start to call yourself out and reprogram your patterns. The best part is that each day you build upon your habits; in short sight, changes seem minimal. After 30 days, your determination shifts your natural day to day patterns simply out of convenience towards your goals. You may begin to understand why this program is the foundation. Once you master 3 challenges, you are more than well on your way to the Ignite Your Soul Program.

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